ProSecurity 是一款主机入侵防护系统 HIPS (Host-based Intrusion Prevention System),是基于行为检测技术的内核级安全防护软件,它通过对程序加载、跨进程操作、注册表操作、网络访问、直接物理内存读写、安装Windows钩子、安装系统服务/驱动、加载可执行模块(.DLL文件)、直接底层磁盘访问等系统行为的拦截保护, 阻止恶意程序对系统的破坏、对自身的能力拓展及资料的窃取。从而实现对系统的保护和对恶意程序的检测。
ProSecurity v1.43 主要更新
January 29, 2008 v1.43
1. [NEW] The Windows Message protection function.
2. [NEW] Protect the Services/drivers from stoping/pausing/controlling and so on.
3. [NEW] User can define custom learning/installing modes to control how the learning/installing mode works.
File Size:3,105,396 Bytes (2.96M)
Last Update: January 29, 2008
MD5 Hash: f29550d459b6a67bd54897f9d6b679bc
下载地址:http://www.proactive-hips.com/download/pssetup.exe 引用:ProSecurity v1.3x-1.4x Generic Patcher
1. Install ProSecurity v1.3x-1.4x Generic Patcher.
2. Reboot Windows in Safe mode (F8)
3. Apply generic patch.
4. Reboot Windows in normal mode. |